Archiv říjen 2020

Dolphin Progress Report: July, August, and September 2020

Kept you waiting, huh? This summer we had our longest break since we started writing these Progress Reports. Some other obligations came up and a bit of a lull in development gave us the opportunity to postpone things for an extra month. As it turned out, pushing things back might have been a bad idea, as the floodgates opened and now there's a gigantic backlog spanning three months to get through! To put things into perspective, since our last Progress Report, the last Nintendo Wii games were released, Dolphin Android had a huge user experience overhaul, and Nintendo's very own GameCube and Wii emulator hit the Switch with Super Mario 3D All Stars.

So without further delay, let's start getting through the backlog. This one is a bit of a doozy.

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